Rev Lev’s Ramblings: The podcast of Rev Steve Levett

The podcast of Rev Steve Levett, Methodist minister in the UK, on history, the news, church, faith, life, the universe and everything!

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Saturday May 23, 2020

Matthew Parris accused ‘The Church’ of having a bad time of it during the Covid crisis, its leaders being spineless and the church being noticeable by it’s absence. But was this really the case?

Sunday May 17, 2020

One day the war on Covid-19 may be a thing of the past. There is talk of a new normal. But what will the contours of that new world look like?

Saturday May 09, 2020

Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives. The messaging during Covid-19 couldn’t have been clearer. Messaging in war time is important, but does that mean we should unquestioningly accept everything that we are told?

Friday May 01, 2020

In the war on Covid-19 most people did not serve on the frontline but stayed at home, sometimes literally. What did they do? How did they fare? As in most wars the experience on the home front varied.

Saturday Apr 25, 2020

In this episode we explore the experience of those in the frontline of the war on Covid-19 and ask the question: will we remember them?

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020

On New Years Eve 2019 nobody had heard of Covid-19. But we soon would and it was coming. Could we have been better prepared for the war against it?

Sunday Apr 19, 2020

The response to the Covid-19 virus crisis is often described in terms of war. Using this language and analogy and drawing on some of the history of World Wars 2 and 1 in six episodes Steve Levett, as one living and speaking in the midst of this unfolding story, explores his own take on The History of the British War on Covid-19: A very very rough first draft.

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